Yucks Digest Volume #3 (1993)

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Questions about the archive or the mailing list should be sent to <spaf@cs.purdue.edu> (Gene Spafford).

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Last update: Sun Jul 07 17:20:34 96
37 messages

1) Yucks Digest V3 #1
Sent on 01/02/93
2) Yucks Digest V3 #2
Sent on 01/12/93
3) Yucks Digest V3 #3
Sent on 01/18/93
4) Yucks Digest V3 #4 (shorts)
Sent on 01/23/93
5) Yucks Digest V3 #5
Sent on 02/01/93
6) Yucks Digest V3 #6 (shorts)
Sent on 02/15/93
7) Yucks Digest V3 #7
Sent on 02/26/93
8) Yucks Digest V3 #8 (shorts)
Sent on 03/12/93
9) Yucks Digest V3 #9 (mixed, one long)
Sent on 03/18/93
10) Yucks Digest V3 #10 (shorts)
Sent on 03/30/93
11) Yucks Digest V3 #11 (shorts)
Sent on 04/07/93
12) Yucks Digest V3 #12 (shorts)
Sent on 04/14/93
13) Yucks Digest V3 #13 (shorts)
Sent on 04/24/93
14) Yucks Digest V3 #14 (Clearing out the backlog)
Sent on 04/29/93
15) Yucks Digest V3 #15 (shorts)
Sent on 05/15/93
16) Yucks Digest V3 #16 (shorts)
Sent on 05/19/93
17) Yucks Digest V3 #17 (mostly shorts)
Sent on 05/25/93
18) Yucks Digest V3 #18 (mostly shorts)
Sent on 06/04/93
19) Yucks Digest V3 #19 (miscellaneous long ones)
Sent on 06/07/93
20) Yucks Digest V3 #20 (shorts)
Sent on 06/11/93
21) Yucks Digest V3 #21 (mixed nuts)
Sent on 06/16/93
22) Yucks Digest V3 #22
Sent on 06/22/93
23) Yucks Digest V3 #23 (shorts)
Sent on 06/27/93
24) Yucks Digest V3 #24 (shorts)
Sent on 07/06/93
25) Yucks Digest V3 #25 (shorts)
Sent on 07/18/93
26) Yucks Digest V3 #26 (shorts)
Sent on 07/29/93
27) Yucks Digest V3 #27 (shorts)
Sent on 08/10/93
28) Yucks Digest V3 #28 (shorts)
Sent on 08/26/93
29) Yucks Digest V3 #29 (shorts)
Sent on 09/20/93
30) Yucks Digest V3 #30 (shorts)
Sent on 09/29/93
31) Yucks Digest V3 #31 (shorts)
Sent on 10/10/93
32) Yucks Digest V3 #32 (shorts)
Sent on 10/24/93
33) Yucks Digest V3 #33 (shorts, mostly)
Sent on 11/05/93
34) Yucks Digest V3 #34
Sent on 11/09/93
35) Yucks Digest V3 #35 (shorts)
Sent on 11/18/93
36) Yucks Digest V3 #36 (shorts)
Sent on 12/02/93
37) Yucks Digest V3 #37 (shorts)
Sent on 12/13/93

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