Page 64, in the first paragraph of Section 5.2, change "x = a/b" to "x = b/a". Page 100, line 2 of Section 7.3. The exponent on p_i in the product should be e_i, not e_e. Page 106, in the algorithm for square root of a modulo p, change the for loop limits to: for (1 <= i <= e) . Page 146, second paragraph. It says that if \sqrt{n} - a is O(n^{1/4}, then the algorithm takes about \sqrt{n} - a steps. This is wrong. If \sqrt{n} - a is O(n^{1/4}, then the algorithm takes O(1) steps. The advice to take q - p > 10^{25} is not good enough. It should say to take q - p > 10^{25} n^{1/4}. Page 159, Miller-Rabin test. The condition should be: if (n is not a strong probable prime to base a) Page 164, line -4. Change (mod p) to (mod n) twice.