This site contains some photos of the Saturday Hike take in 2011.
These photos are at Kickapoo Park January 15, 2011.
Karin, Rudolf, Jennifer, David.
David, Sam, Jennifer, Rudolf, Karin.
Richard watches Sam replace the cholesterol.
This site contains some photos of the Saturday Hike taken on January 22, 2011.
These photos are at Motorcycle Alley January 22, 2011.
Ice slabs in 1997, like those in 2011.
These photos are at Mingo Lake January 29, 2011.
These photos are at Kickapoo Park Lake February 5, 2011.
These photos are at Potter's Field April 2, 2011.
Lippold thinks and drinks while bacon cooks.
These photos are at Forest Glen, April 9, 2011.
May apples begin to open their umbrellas.
Half of the dead tree fell. Richard is pleased.
The other half of the dead tree.
The other half of the dead tree leans.
These photos are at High Pond, April 23, 2011.
Chocolate Easter bunny with hikers delight.
Chocolate Easter bunny with hikers delight.
These photos are at Horse Camp, May 21, 2011.
Closeup of the tree. Note the large chips.
These photos are at Liberty Ridge, June 18, 2011.
Sam drains the hikers delight and the pan glows.
Sam drains the hikers delight and the pan glows.
These photos are at Collison Trestle, July 23, 2011.
A fallen tree blocks the ford.
A fallen tree blocks the ford.
A fallen tree blocks the ford.
This photo is at Maus Hole, July 30, 2011.
These photos are at High Pond, August 13, 2011.
These photos are at Potter's Field, September 3, 2011.
The sitting log broke because Richard ate too much bacon.
These photos are at Mingo Lake, October 1, 2011.
These photos are at Horse Camp, October 15, 2011.